Follow the latest thinking from people working at the cutting edge of innovation and have your say on everything from economic policy to robot overlords.
by Tayyab
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In this era of technology, every business needs marketing to get to a salient position. It is a necessity to promote the product/service to achieve higher sales and digital media made this easy for every business and social media platforms are the main source to promote business.
by Aamir Saeed
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by Tayyab
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In virtually all open source projects that are particularly within the CMS i.e. content management system space, add-on modules are available that both the developers and editors can install to improve the system functionality. You’ve probably heard them being called as apps, modules, add-ons, plugins, and extensions.
We hope you like what you’ve seen here – we’d love to hear from you. Whether you want to delve a little deeper into some of our ideas, discuss any burning issues or explore how we can help you strategically or creatively, let’s meet up for a coffee and a chat. We’re excited about the future and hope you are too.